Get Your Grease Tickets Now!


Novato Theater Company

5420 Nave Drive, Novato CA 94949



This show is DOUBLE Cast for some parts - be sure to check the specific dates of shows for certain cast members to make sure you are buying tickets to see the correct cast if you are coming to see someone specific.

If the person you are coming to see is not listed, they will be playing their part in all shows.



You can e-mail us at or call us at or (415) 898-9717.



(*In order alphabetically by actor last name!!!)


Drive In Cast:

4/19 at 7pm, 4/20 at 1:30pm, 4/26 at 7pm, 4/27 at 1:30pm

Marty: Olivia Alioto

Sandy: Gia Baylo

Sonny: Charlotte Camacho

Danny: James Chui

Rizzo: Collette Costello

Vince Fontaine: Charlotte Erlingsson

Roger: Annabelle Green

Teen Angel: Hazel Greene Humphrey

Cha Cha: Lucy Hautau

Ms. Lynch: Emerson Jaeger

Johnny Casino: Jilly Kragel

Frenchy: Izzy Padilla-Schmidt** (Will be Frenchy on 4/19 at 7pm, 4/20 at 1:30pm, 4/20 at 7pm and 4/27 at 7pm)

Eugene: Daphne Pappas

Kenickie: Sierra Powell

Patty: Mila Sieu

Doody: Skyler Viola

Jan: Brynn Willams


Sock Hop Cast:

4/20 at 7pm, 4/21 at 1:30pm, 4/27 at 7pm, 4/28 at 1:30pm

Roger: Callia Allender

Eugene: Owen Bjerke

Frenchy: Sonya Davis** (Will be Frenchy on 4/21 at 1:30pm, 4/26 at 7pm, 4/27 at 1:30pm, 4/28 at 1:30pm)

Doody: Norah DeVita

Rizzo: Phoebe Disharoon

Danny: Brooke Evans

Johnny Casino: Emma Fahy

Sonny: Miles Hanley

Kenickie: Ben Inclenrock

Ms. Lynch: Aislinn Lustenberger

Teen Angel: Molly McMillin

Jan: Deidre Robberecht

Cha Cha: Sarah Sisneros

Sandy: Stasha Tertei

Patty: Ellie Walker

Vince Fontaine: Grant Williams

Marty: Arlyn Yasin