Grades: 4th - 9th grade
Auditions: Tuesday, January 9 from 4:15-6:30pm
Callbacks: Friday, January 12 from 4:15-7:15pm (You may not be called the entire time)
Weekly Rehearsals: January 16-April 5: 4:15-6:30pm Tuesdays & Fridays
We are considering splitting up our Tuesday rehearsal time into 2 groups that don't attend the entire rehearsal based on casting (EX. Pink Ladies 4:15-5:30 & T-Birds 5:15-6:30.) This is to be able to give more individualized attention to each group and utilize their time more wisely.
MANDATORY Parent Meeting for new parents: Tuesday, January 9th: 6:30-7:00pm
Extended and Extra Rehearsals:
Friday, February 2: 4:15-8pm (whole cast may not need to stay whole time)
Friday, February 16: 4:15-8pm (solos only from 6:30-8pm)
Friday, March 1: 4:15-8pm (TBD)
Friday, March 29: 4-7:30pm
Friday, April 5: 4:00-7:30pm (first Friday of NUSD Spring Break)
NO Rehearsals:
Friday, January 19 (Rhythms Recital Weekend)
February 20 & 23 (Mid-Winter Break)
March 12 & 15 (Tech Week for Little Shop)
April 9 & 12 (Spring Break)
Dress Rehearsals/Tech Week:
April 14 (Sunday): 12:30pm-6pm at location TBD (Final day of NUSD spring break)
April 15 (Monday): 4pm-8pm at Novato Theater Company
April 16 (Tuesday): 4pm-8pm at Novato Theater Company
April 17 (Wednesday): 4pm-7:45pm at Novato Theater Company
April 18: (Thursday): 4pm-7:45pm at Novato Theater Company
Performances: (at Novato Theater Company)
Friday, April 19 - 7pm
Saturday, April 20 - 1:30pm
Saturday, April 20 - 7pm
Sunday, April 21 - 1:30pm
Friday, April 26 - 7pm
Saturday, April 27- 1:30pm
Saturday, April 27 - 7pm
Sunday, April 28 - 1:30pm
All shows are MANDATORY and students may not miss them for any reason except illness or family emergency. Students will be called between 1.5-2 hours before showtime for each performance.
After the final Sunday performance the cast will have a 60 minute strike to help pack and clean the theater. Strike is a required component of participation in the show.
Cast Party
We will have a cast party after strike. The cast party is included in your fee so we hope you'll all attend!
Parent Volunteer Requirement
There are many things to do to put together a show, and therefore we ask for a parent volunteer from each family to fulfill two volunteer positions. However if this is not convenient for you, you have the option to pay the opt out fee of $50. Certain positions require expertise in a field (set, costumes, etc.) but most just require your time (backstage parent supervision, etc). Most jobs will require about 3 hours of work. If you LOVE volunteering or have a special skill that might be helpful, please email us.
We will have the volunteer list ready by March; at that time you can choose your position or pay the opt-out fee.
Production Fee
The musical costs $675. (This works out to about $9 per hour of rehearsal time). Your Production Fee includes your script, show t-shirt, digital video of the performance, and cast party. Some of your costume will also be included, though we will ask each actor to provide some other parts of their costume (see below) including tan jazz shoes.
Your Rhythms account will be charged $225 in January (upon enrollment), the first week of February, and the first week of March. When you enroll, you will enter your credit card and be enrolled in auto-pay so you will be automatically charged each month and won’t have to worry about when to pay. Or if you prefer you can pay the total production fee in full by cash or check by the first rehearsal date. Please email the studio if you choose this option. Payments later than 5 days will incur a $15 late fee. We are not able to give refunds. You may want to pay your first payment at the time of registration but it is not due until February 1st.
We will be asking actors to provide a number of items for their costume including but not limited to tights and shoes and we will provide the rest.
Family Discount: If two or more siblings are in a Rhythms musical (including our younger or older shows), we offer $65 off for each child.
New Friend Discount: For every NEW FRIEND that a returning actor gets to register for Grease the musical, the returning actor will get $100 off their performance fee. (Friends must be new to Rhythms Performing Arts).
Overachiever Discount: For students who are enrolled in over 3.5 hours of other weekly Rhythms classes (not including musical), we offer a $100 discount off of your $675 Production Fee.
Multiple Musical Discount: For those students who participate in Little Shop of Horrors as well as Grease the musical, you will receive $100 off their total production fees.
These discounts may NOT be automatically added to your studio director account. Please email the studio if you would like a discount applied to your account.
AUDITION MATERIALS - CLICK HERE Auditions will be held on Tuesday, January 9th, 4:15 - 6:30pm. Be sure to fill out the AUDITION FORM (click here!) by Sunday night, January 7th!
We ask that if you are interested, you sign up now! Please sign up at: